Thursday, March 19, 2009

There are chocolate chip cookies in heaven...

I'm convinced there are chocolate chip cookies in heaven. My beautiful step-daughter, Kacy, came by for dinner last night, and other than having her Dad cook her spaghetti, her only other request was for my chocolate chip cookies. Those of you that knew me when I was fancy-free and single (and rarely cooked or baked) might be shocked to hear that, but yes, she wanted MY homemade chocolate chip cookies. It warms my heart!

I've finally been able to work a little at my ChaCha job. It's hard! I've had some really difficult questions and it's taken me awhile to get answers to them. The idea is to answer the question as soon as possible. I just hope I don't get fired after only a few days working on it.

It's been Spring Break week and we've had some great family time. I shaved our shepard mix, which was a major challenge. She's 80 pounds, and didn't enjoy our bonding time, but we got it done. It ain't pretty, but she's going to be much cooler and when she grows out a bit, she won't look so much like a cartoon character. We've also run some errands and just enjoyed spending time together. I'm sad it's going so fast.

We had a scare tonight. Samuel lost his balance and fell with his mouth hitting the coffee table. There was a lot of blood, but his teeth were fine and he ended up with a swollen lip. He cried for quite a while and wouldn't let us put any ice on it for longer than a second. I knew he was going to be okay when he settled down and asked me for a chocolate chip cookie. Those things are magic! :)

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