Thursday, March 12, 2009

It's been a rough few days for the Altums. Samuel started not sleeping a little over a week ago, which is often a sign that he's getting ready to get sick. That proved to be the case. He started with a slight fever, runny nose and coughing. It continued to get worse over the first couple of days and then the fever subsided. He still had congestion and was still not sleeping. That's not good for Mom. That meant lots of being up all night with my kid. I got him into the doc's yesterday, and she confirmed my suspicion - a double ear infection. He's now had two doses of anti-biotic and is running around like a crazy boy. He has slept the last two nights ALL NIGHT LONG!

I now have his cold. I have never had a fever, but I've been snotty and coughing for three days. I'm kind of a baby and not enjoying my inability to breathe through my nose, but otherwise we're doing okay.

Because Samuel has demanded so much of my time, I haven't been able to start my new job at ChaCha. I've signed in a couple of times, but it was for only a short time and I didn't receive any questions to answer. I hope to try again tomorrow and see what happens.

I don't know if I've mentioned this, but when you write for, you can actually earn money for the articles. I've published three articles so far and I checked my earnings today. I've made a whopping $.05. I guess that's five cents I didn't have before, but I had hoped to bring in a little more for the family. I need to write some more, I guess.

Well, my kid is in bed, and I think he's finally falling asleep, so I'd better take advantage of the peace and get some sleep myself. God bless!

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