Saturday, March 7, 2009

A 100% basketball day...

First of all, I am happy to report that I got the job! I'm very excited. I'll likely start later today after taking some time to review the training information. I like to be very prepared. : )

Second, I've published another article on This one is about peanut allergy. My little boy was diagnosed with a peanut allergy when he was about 18 months old. With no one in our families every having food allergies, we had a lot to learn. Anyway, I tried to impart some wisdom to others who may be learning how to deal with it as well. If you're interested, you can follow the link here on the page to my articles.

Third, I had a great basketball day on Saturday. The high school where my husband, Lawrence, teaches had an amazing experience. The ladies' basketball team won the State Championship! It was amazing. We weren't able to go, but we listened to it. It wasn't what some would call a good game. They won by more than 30 points. I liked that they got so far ahead that the coach was able to put everyone in for a while - everyone got to be a part of the experience.

The other part of my banner day came when I went to watch some of my friends' daughters play in their little dribblers games. The first game was really exciting. It was 4-6 graders and they did a great job. Cassie, a fifth-grader, got 6 of the 12 points, and Macie, also a fifth-grader got 4 of the 12 points. I was so proud of them. They ended up in a tie after overtime. The second game involved 5-6 year-olds. It was SO cute! They often didn't even know which basket to shoot for, but our team won, 4-0. What a great day!

My little guy has been a little under the weather. He's been coughing and congested since last Wednesday. He had a fever for a couple of days, but that's gone now. The biggest problem is the coughing keeping him (and thus me) up at night. I called the doc this morning to see if we need to get him in to see her. I would quite enjoy, as I'm sure he would, a full night's sleep.

Gotta get a few things done. More later!


  1. I would love to see your article, but there is no link. -love ya- peace!

  2. If you click on the "Helium - About Me" link, it'll take you to my articles. Try that! Love you, too!
