Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Favorite Day

I love Sundays. First, I get to spend a good part of my day at Church. We are so blessed that in such a small town, there is a place like FBC. It's filled with amazing people who love the Lord and love each other. I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if we needed anything at all, the members of FBC would be there to lend a hand. There are a lot of people out there who feel they have similar places of worship, but I feel like these folks are my family.

Second, in between morning service and evening service, I get to spend the day with my husband and little boy. Today, after lunch, all three of us took a much-needed nap. Then, we just enjoyed being together. I had to go to Church and help with our children's Bible drill in the evening, but when I got back, I had THE most fun rough-housing with Samuel in the floor. I can tell I'm getting older. Rolling around on the floor is much harder than it used to be. Hearing my son's laugh was so worth it. That sound is a special kind of music.

My hubby's working on grading papers right now. He's a Science teacher and teaches both junior high and high school kids. He also coaches tennis at the school. This is a busy time of year for him. They are getting ready for State tests and his tennis season is in full swing (pardon the pun). Yet another reason Sundays are so special. I get to look over and see him in his chair, intent on his work.

I like staying up while he works so we can chat some in between tasks, but it's getting late, and I'm beginning to fade. God bless and here's hoping your Sunday was as special as mine.

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