Monday, July 13, 2009

Feeling sad...

My husband, son and mom just left for the airport. I can't ride in the car right now, and so I'm left here in the house, feeling like, again, a piece of my heart has broken off. I don't mean to sound melodramatic, but every time my family comes to see me, or I go to see them, and we part, it is physically painful for me.

I've been so blessed in my life to have had a loving family. Is it perfect? No, but no one on this earth is. We've been through some hard times, and some of those times are still going on, but I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that when I need any one of them, they are there.

When I met my husband, and found out that I would be moving 900 miles from my family, I pushed that aside - for the most part - so as to fully enjoy the happiness of finally finding the love of my life. (It had taken a ridiculously long time to find him!) I think I knew it would be overwhelming for me, and didn't want to deal with that. Over the years, I've dealt with it in spurts, when we have to leave at the end of a visit. Is that the best way to have handled it? I don't know, but it makes the separation all the more difficult.

My life here in Texas is so wonderful. I have an incredible husband who loves me and treats me with respect. We have so much fun together - still! We also have a beautiful little boy who brings us so much joy, and quite a bit of stress! The only thing missing, in my mind, is the physical closeness between my parents, sister and me. I wouldn't trade my life here for that, but I wish that aspect were different.

Okay, I'm done whining. What I will do now, is to thank God for giving me something that means so much that it breaks my heart to be away from it. There are many in this world not as blessed as I am. I will cherish every moment I have with them, and look forward to the next.

Until next time...God Bless.

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