Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A whole new me!

Yes, again, it's been awhile since I've written here. I hope to make that change. The school year has started, and we're on a more regular schedule. Not that being busy or not being on a set schedule should be an excuse for not writing, but I'm using it for now.

This past week I was released from my doctor after being on restricted activity for six weeks following my hysterectomy. Because I have felt so amazing since my surgery, this day was one I was so looking forward to. It has been hard not being able to pick up my son, do laundry or vacuum for six weeks. I know, I should have enjoyed not being able to do laundry or vacuuming, but believe it or not, I feel like a contributing member of this family when I'm able to do things like that. In any event, I felt like I had been freed from jail!

So, the first thing I did was get a new haircut. I stepped way outside the box and told the stylist do to whatever she thought would look good. This was also the first time I had been to her, but I knew several other people who went to her and looked fantastic, so I trusted her. I was SO excited! I felt like a new person.

The second thing I did was get back on my workout schedule. I had started last Spring really working on it, but the surgery got me completely out of it. I’m now in day three and going strong. I’m trying to find ways to help in the process to make it easier to get my workouts in. I’m sad to admit it, but if it’s too hard, I tend to let it go by the wayside. For example, many of the experts say you should get up early to work out so that you ensure that you get it done, and it promotes energy for the day. That would probably work well for morning people, but I’m not one of those. I hate getting up early, and actually feel a little sick when I do. I tried getting up earlier to work out and it was so awful I stopped working out all together. Not good! So, I now do it after my son and I eat breakfast. It’s still early in the day, so I get it in, but not so early that I’m feeling icky. It also helps me not eat too much for breakfast, knowing I’m getting ready to work out.

It just feels so great to be starting a new. Don't we all need that from time to time? Here's to a new beginning, and a whole new way of life!

1 comment:

  1. It is so good to see you re writing again. I love it! I have been doing some learning on www.selfgrowth.com and watching some videos.
    Aunt Freddie
